Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spice Up Your Life

Love me some spices. I think a lot of people that are just beginning to cook are a little afraid of them though. How much spice do I use? What do I buy and for what? The only way to find out is to just go for it! I'm pretty notorious for making things too spicy, but that's how I like it! I've made bland dishes, and dishes so spicy that I sweat while eating. You can't win 'em all, but you should try 'em all. Go buy some new spices for your cabinet. Here's what's in mine...
Well that's nice Steph, but what should I buy?

Here's some staples I just can't live without:

salt & pepper
seasoned salt
red pepper flakes
curry powder

Buy and use these and you can make almost anything taste fantastic.

Thanks for reading!

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