Monday, July 29, 2013

Quick fix chicken & veggies

This is one of those meals you can throw together in 30 minutes and it's still totally yummy.


1 chicken breast
1/4 onion- thinly sliced
1 garlic clove- minced
Handful of asparagus
1/4 cup rice- I usually cook a whole cup and keep extras for other meals later that week
Soy sauce
Seasoned salt

Cook it

Start cooking the rice first, one cup of rice and two cups water. Simmer around 15-20 minutes.

Put a few tablespoons of butter in a medium sauce pan over medium heat. Throw in the chicken, lightly salted with seasoned salt. Let cook about 10 minutes until browned and cooked through.

Remove chicken and add asparagus & onions to same pan with a little soy sauce. Let this cook around 5 minutes over medium high heat. Throw the garlic in for the last minute.

Chop the chicken into strips.

Serve it all together in a bowl. Rice first, then chicken, then veggies on top. Sriracha once around the top if you like it spicy!



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