Thursday, April 12, 2012

Roasted Pepper & Hummus Wrap

OMG she's blogging two days in a row?!  Stop it.  

So I saw a recipe like this in my Cooking Light magazine I subscribe to and it looked delightful.  I created a spin off of what I saw there for lunch today.  It was the perfect light lunch for a busy work day.

This was simple enough for me to prepare in less than 10 minutes on the way out the door.  If you are making it for work, it would be an easy one to prepare the night before as well.


Red bell pepper - thinly sliced
Cucumber- thinly sliced
Crumbled goat cheese
Onion - thinly sliced
Spicy hummus
Wheat tortilla
*No measurements used only because I just stuffed as much of each as I could into the wrap.  And to be honest, you will want seconds, or your friend may steal this from you.  So extras are OK.


Lightly brown the bell pepper & onions in skillet.  I didn't use any oil because I wanted them to get the charred taste, I suggest the same.  But using a little olive oil would be good too.  

Once those are browned, assemble your wrap!  I spread the hummus out first, then stacked veggies and topped it with goat cheese.  

Eat up!

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