I made my Jumbalaya with turkey sausage tonight, and it was surprisingly BETTER than the usual spicy italian hard core blend of meat I usually use. This tasted almost the same, I felt a little better afterwards. I mean, it's hard to feel good about any blend of animal in a synthetic case (man, I make this sound so appetizing), but this wasn't too bad. Or I should say, Mmmmmmm MEAT!
I also thought it would be nice to make her a cake. This is a tough one for me. I have found that most chefs are either great at baking or great at cooking, but rarely love both. I'm the same way, I LOVE to cook, and SUCK (balls) at baking. I'm terrible at it. It's like a science. I'm more of a throw it together, add different ingredients and amounts every time type of person. It's hard for me to ever stick to a recipe. And I suggest you be the same way, except when it comes to baking. You add too much or too little baking soda and you could go from a puff pasty to play dough. I don't get it.
Basically I wasn't about to try to bake, especially in our tiny kitchen with no Kitchen Aid. So I came up with this:

1 frozen Sara Lee pound cake
1 8oz cream cheese - room temp.
1/2 cup powdered sugar
dash of vanilla
1 stick of butter- room temp.
Colorful sprinkles
To Make:
Whip together the cream cheese and butter with a mixer until well blended. Slowly add in powdered sugar and vanilla. Once everything is mixed and smooth, spread over the top and sides of the pound cake. Add the sprinkles on top and stick in the freezer for 20 minutes.
Done & done, no baking involved. High five!
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