On a more serious note. There is a reason for this blog. And Oprah and Rachel Ray, I hope you are listening. It's for you to discover me as an amazing, self-taught cook, and maybe even sponsor my cookbook that is in the works.
I can't tell you the name of the book just yet, but just know that's it's amazing and so am I.
So what I've discovered over these past years in my 20's, four to be exact, is that people my age don't even know how to steam vegetables.
This blog is meant to save those people by offering cooking tips, recipes, and also some fun tid bits about my oh so exciting fun-employed life just for the hell of it.
Since we are on topic of steaming vegetables. That will be my tip of today.
Let me preface this by telling you what I'm sure your mom has told you every day that you decided to listen to her: Eat your vegetables! Fresh ones! They are good for your body!
Ok, steaming vegetables is just about as easy as microwaving them, just using different equipment. Any vegetable can be steamed and it is impossible to mess it up!
Here's what you need:
1. Any pot that is large enough to hold the desired vegetable inside of it.
2. A vegetable steamer (which is cheap, very necessary and can be found at any kitchen store)
3. water!
So what you do is fill the pot with enough water to hit the brim of the steamer, about an inch or so. Place the pot over high heat until the water starts to boil, then throw in your vegetables and put the cover on.
That's it! Now depending on what you are steaming it could take anywhere from 10 minutes (broccoli) to an hour (Artichoke). Vegetables can be eaten raw, cooked, and over cooked, so don't be afraid. Cook it until it is the way YOU like it!
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